
Welcome to my blog! When I started this blog it was all about wire crochet jewelry. I fell in love with the first piece I saw and I had to learn how. I was "hooked"!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Comment Problem and My Weekend Project

I faithfully read the blogs on my blog list and I want to comment.  I just can't!  I've read a lot of tips for getting around the problems.  Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.  Lately nothing worked! 

I googled "blogger comment problems" and found this on knownissues.blogspot.com:  "We're investigating reports of users not being able to comment on IE8/9 from the embedded form. We hope to have a fix out shortly, but in the meantime we encourage admins to switch to either the full-page or pop-up forms which should be working without issue."

I went into my Settings, under Comments, and changed it to "Pop Up Window".  If you're not getting comments, you might give it a try.  I've been able to receive comments, though.  I enjoyed your comments on my feather fiasco!  LOL!

This was my project this weekend ~ The Bad Hair Day Hat!   My daughter sent me a picture of one so I had to try it.  I think it's kinda cute!  

My granddaughter got here just as I was doing this post so I had her try it on.

She thinks I need to put a big bow on top!

~Thought for the Day~

"Don't be sad because it's over.  Smile because it happened."
~Dr. Seuss


Just A Tish said...

Pleeeeeease tell me you are selling these?? I HAVE to have one. I have a thing about hats....I would be the coolest kid on the block if I had this one!

Azure Accessories said...

So far I've not had any issues with commenting...but thanks for the info in case I do... :~)

What a cute hat...it looks perfect on your granddaughter, I like her suggestion of a flower...but either way it is great!!!

Punky Prep said...

This is just adorable!

Sparkle Queen said...

Jana, your granddaughter is absolutely adorable! The hat is cute too... but baby, she makes the hat!

Hope you got your comment thingy fixed. I know you aren't the only one. I use Mozilla Firefox and haven't had that problem. But many of my friends with IE have... ugh! Why can't they all just get along? LOL

Have a terrific day!

Francy said...

How adorable! LOVE the hat. Cute granddaughter also.

The pop up seems to have fixed the my posting problem as this is the first time I have been able to post w/o all kinds of problems in a looong time.